I would be greatly pleased if you would contact me with your own anecodotes and photonic captures. As a lonely scientist in a foreign city, post, whether it be the traditional kind or this new-fangled aetheric web post, either way, post is manna to me.
Unfortunately interworld communications are out of sync at the moment. Please try again in the future.
- Faery Wintering Nests
LOGGED »12-08-2008 - The Deadly Mr. Whiskers
LOGGED »11-17-2008 - The Inkblot Spider and Her Prey
LOGGED »11-10-2008 - A Hawk’s Meal
LOGGED »11-03-2008 - Field Sounds: The Word of Shallis
LOGGED »10-27-2008 - An End to the War and a Friendship
LOGGED »10-20-2008