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Field Recordings

Thanks to the wonders of modern acoustic technology, I can bring you recordings direct from the field.  Below are some of the aural delights that I have prepared for your listening education and entertainment.

Field Sounds: The Word of Shallis

Hello again, dear readers.  The weather has turned most foul, and unfortunately it has thwarted our attempts to make contact with the noble faeries.  We ventured out into the rain hoping that they would not hold to the letter of their message, but I’m afraid they are quite literal-minded creatures.  No moon light, and so […]

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Field Sounds: Uncovering the Noble Faery Message

Field Sounds: Uncovering the Noble Faery Message

Hello dear readers.  Professor Welterschmidt (pictured once again above) and I are still deep in the thick of the Bird Queen/Boggart ordeal.  I should have a very satisfying update on that matter by next week.  In the meanwhile, Miss Watkins has put together a wonderful edition of the Field Sounds acoustic recording.  This week, along […]

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Field Sounds: Noble Faery Games

Regarding the matter of the Bird Queen, I am awaiting the arrival of noted expert of the supernatural Dr. Finneas Welterschmidt to continue with plans to design a ruse that will satisfy by parties and avert the war, he said that he wanted to find something specific but I think he will only find baby […]

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Field Sounds: Boggarts Prepare for War

I enter this missive into the Informatitron with a great amount of pride and no small amount of pain.  Three days ago, Miss Watkins and I took the recorder deep into the Park.  The second edition of Field Sounds provides all the evidence I believe the scientific community will need to prove that the boggarts […]

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Field Sounds: The First Edition

Unfortunately, I must keep this missive short.  Recent experiments have led to injuries that prevent me from sitting for long periods of time at the Informatitron.  While I recuperate,  please entertain yourselves with the latest innovation in scientific research and education– a cross-world audio transmission!  Narrated by the invaluable Miss Watkins, this “acousti-cast” details some […]

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