Design Credits
Most of the technology that went into creating the Informatitron is borrowed from around the web. Here are some links and credits where credit is due:
- sIFR Typography: Dr. Roundbottom’s typography would not be possible without this flash-based tool.
- swfIR Image Replacement: the rotation and drop shadows on images are added dynamically with this technology.
- jQuery: the best javascript library a nontechnical person can use. The sliding tab and various other effects are created with jQuery.
- Thickbox: the image gallery technology. A must if you’re designing an image-heavy site.
- BitBox’s Grungy Paper: used extensively in the texture of the design.
- Faery Wintering Nests
LOGGED »12-08-2008 - The Deadly Mr. Whiskers
LOGGED »11-17-2008 - The Inkblot Spider and Her Prey
LOGGED »11-10-2008 - A Hawk’s Meal
LOGGED »11-03-2008 - Field Sounds: The Word of Shallis
LOGGED »10-27-2008 - An End to the War and a Friendship
LOGGED »10-20-2008