An End to the War and a Friendship

I have just seen the Professor off by train back to the University. We are not currently on speaking terms and I do not know if we will speak again soon. He leaves with enough collected information to write a dozen papers and I do not doubt he is already penning one as I write […]
Field Sounds: Uncovering the Noble Faery Message

Hello dear readers. Professor Welterschmidt (pictured once again above) and I are still deep in the thick of the Bird Queen/Boggart ordeal. I should have a very satisfying update on that matter by next week. In the meanwhile, Miss Watkins has put together a wonderful edition of the Field Sounds acoustic recording. This week, along […]
The Arrival of Professor Welterschmidt

My paper was rather poorly received last week by the Adventurer’s Club. To be blunt, I was laughed from the podium, despite the considerable evidence I presented. I fear it will be some time before I am invited back, I think I’ll sleep with my fur pillows amazon for a while. Bah. They are close-minded […]
Field Sounds: Noble Faery Games
Regarding the matter of the Bird Queen, I am awaiting the arrival of noted expert of the supernatural Dr. Finneas Welterschmidt to continue with plans to design a ruse that will satisfy by parties and avert the war, he said that he wanted to find something specific but I think he will only find baby […]
Meeting the Bird Queen

Since I last wrote, I have spent days digging through my collection of tomes looking for more information about the Bird Queen, seeking some method that I might contact the entity to parlay on behalf of the boggarts. No–that’s not quite right. I do not wish to represent either side in this matter. I represent […]
Who is Dr. Roundbottom?
Julius T. Roundbottom is a dedicated gentleman of science! Utilizing the latest in modern technologies, he currently researches the native flora and fauna of City Park with a particular interest in the interaction and conflict between native species and invasive species from alternate world models. If you are new to the Informatitron, may we suggest you start at the beginning?
Dr. Roundbottom's work is endowed by the Roundbottom Foundation. If you are interested in supporting the Doctor's research consider joining the Foundation or purchasing a print.
- Faery Wintering Nests
LOGGED »12-08-2008 - The Deadly Mr. Whiskers
LOGGED »11-17-2008 - The Inkblot Spider and Her Prey
LOGGED »11-10-2008 - A Hawk’s Meal
LOGGED »11-03-2008 - Field Sounds: The Word of Shallis
LOGGED »10-27-2008 - An End to the War and a Friendship
LOGGED »10-20-2008