An Amazing Discovery Regarding the Primitive Boggart
Monday, September 8th, 2008I have been strong proponent of the view that the intelligence displayed by many faeries is a form of mimicry and that, outside of the so-called noble fey species, true sentience is not a trait possessed by the creatures. Dr. Heineman and I have clashed repeatedly on the issue of intelligence, and I am sure he […]
Tags: Bird Queen, boggart, capture, faery, Park, Smithe
Posted in The Case of the Boggart War, Unfiled | 13 Comments »>Field Sounds: The First Edition
Sunday, August 31st, 2008Unfortunately, I must keep this missive short. Recent experiments have led to injuries that prevent me from sitting for long periods of time at the Informatitron. While I recuperate, please entertain yourselves with the latest innovation in scientific research and education– a cross-world audio transmission! Narrated by the invaluable Miss Watkins, this “acousti-cast” details some […]
Tags: faery, moth pixies
Posted in Acoustic Recording, General, Unfiled | 7 Comments »>The Carrier Snail
Monday, August 25th, 2008With the steam wraith captured for the time being, I should have been able to return to my biological studies of the Park—I would have, if the monsoon season had not arrived. As of late, heavy summer rains have begun to fall upon the city, bringing flooding in the lower elevations and making the brambles […]
Tags: biolumenesence, gastropod, mushroom, mycoid, snail
Posted in General, Unfiled | 8 Comments »>A Threat No Longer
Monday, August 18th, 2008Dear readers, your advice has proved indispensable in making a capture of the steam wraith. Mr. Mortlewood’s trapping wisdom reminded me that in a sense, I did know what the wraith fed upon—the fear of the living, particularly the wealthy residents of the Burroughs. To find where it “sleeps,” I followed Miss Eliza’s suggestion and […]
Tags: capture, Cass, Dorfan, Miss Watkins, Mrs. Dowd, roundbottom, wraith
Posted in The Case of the Steam Wraith | 5 Comments »>To Bind a Steam Wraith
Monday, August 11th, 2008Two days passed before a note arrived from Cass via urchin boy that I was to meet her at the gates to the steam tunnels where I had first inquired after her, and to bring the case. I made haste to the rendezvous as soon as my work allowed. She met me at the gates […]
Tags: capture, Cass, escape, faeries, steam rat, stream wraith
Posted in The Case of the Steam Wraith | 4 Comments »> « Previous Entries Next Entries »- Faery Wintering Nests
LOGGED »12-08-2008 - The Deadly Mr. Whiskers
LOGGED »11-17-2008 - The Inkblot Spider and Her Prey
LOGGED »11-10-2008 - A Hawk’s Meal
LOGGED »11-03-2008 - Field Sounds: The Word of Shallis
LOGGED »10-27-2008 - An End to the War and a Friendship
LOGGED »10-20-2008